Thursday, August 11, 2005

Channel 4 - The Worst Jobs in History - Home

Channel 4 - The Worst Jobs in History - Home

Next time you find yourself avoiding your current exciting and fulfilling job (like now)... take a few minutes to take the career guide quiz!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Most Frequently Shoplifted Items in Rank

Food Marketing Institute
Organized Retail Theft (PDF; 56 KB)

Most Frequently Shoplifted Items in Rank

Monday, May 23, 2005

Day by the Sea Posted by Hello

Dumptruck Posted by Hello

Sunset Cliffs Posted by Hello

Warning. Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Petco Park, May 2005 Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Take Your Dog to Work Day!!

Take Your Dog to Work Day!!
They are cleaner than most of your coworkers! :)

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Freeway Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 12, 2005

New England Aquarium Penguins

New England Aquarium Penguins
PENGUINS!!! Don't you just want to hug 'em?!


This is a great site (what i have seen of it so far!). Click on the red dots for free online stories that tell the creation myth of that region. They have narrators, sounds, animation, etc.. Perfect for elementary lessons and even littler kids will enjoy watching the stories. (be sure to hit next to "turn the page" - it took me a second to figure that one out).

Monday, May 09, 2005

Rachel Zucker - The Academy of American Poets

Rachel Zucker - The Academy of American Poets
Hey Allen Ginsberg Where Have You Gone and What Would You Think of My Drugs?

U.S. SENATOR BARBARA BOXER | Welcome to my online office!

U.S. SENATOR BARBARA BOXER | Welcome to my online office!

This link will take you to Barbara Boxer's website where you can read about current issues in Washington and her stance on them.

Now, grant me a little indulgence here... I am reproducing here an email from Senator Boxer on the current budget proposal. I couldn't find it on her site so I am taking up my whole page with it!


Mr. President, I oppose this budget and will vote against it. All of my colleagues should. It sets the wrong priorities. It breaks promises to the American people. And it is the height of fiscal irresponsibility.

Let me begin with the priorities. The priorities of the American people are not the priorities of this budget.

It is quite clear what the priorities of this budget are: tax cuts for the wealthy. In just one year, this budget provides a tax cut for millionaires totaling $32 billion.

Meanwhile, education funding is cut almost $1 billion below the services we are providing now. A total of 48 education programs are eliminated. The promise that was made in the No Child Left Behind Act is broken by $12 billion. Mr. President, we should be increasing our commitment to our children, not cutting it.

Veterans programs – for those brave men and women who served our country and are currently serving our country in Iraq and Afghanistan – are cut $500 million. As more and more veterans return to this country, the demands on the VA system will only grow. This budget ignores them.

This budget provides no funding for additional police officers on the street. And two major programs to help local law enforcement are eliminated.

Medicaid – the health care program for the poor and disabled, a large portion of whom are children – is cut $10 billion.

Funding for the Centers for Disease Control – to prevent diseases and to fight outbreaks – is cut 9 percent.

The promise we made to our farmers in 2002 is broken with cuts of $3 billion.

Mr. President, what is going on here? Our children, our veterans, the safety of our streets, and the health of our people – all are taking a back seat to tax cuts for millionaires. This budget helps the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans at the expense of 99 percent of Americans.

Now, you would think that with all of these cuts in spending for important programs, at least the budget would be balanced – or at least would be more fiscally responsible than it has been in the past four years.

You would be wrong. This budget increases our debt by $3.1 trillion over the next five years. In 2010, the federal debt will be over $11 trillion.

That figure is so high, it is nearly incomprehensible. So let me put it another way: $11 trillion is $1 million every day for 30,000 years.

And, Mr. President, $11 trillion in debt is not the whole story. This budget does not include the almost $400 billion in costs for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This budget does not include over $700 billion in costs for the President’s plan to privatize Social Security. This budget does not include over $700 billion to ensure that middle-class Americans are not hit with the Alternative Minimum Tax.

Why aren’t these included? Because it would mean even more debt. Debt upon debt upon debt upon debt. And most of it owed to those from foreign countries. We are borrowing from the Japanese, the Chinese, the British, and others – and sticking the bill to our children and grandchildren.

And speaking of the President’s plan to privatize Social Security, I find it ironic that the President again tonight tried to scare the American people by saying that Social Security was going “bankrupt,” when at the same time, this budget steals $2.5 trillion over 10 years from the Social Security Trust Fund. Instead of tax cuts for millionaires, we should be paying back the Trust Fund.

Finally, Mr. President, this budget sets the stage for opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. It has nothing to do with the budget. It has nothing to do with increasing our energy independence. It has everything to do with destroying one of America’s most environmentally pristine areas.

This budget has the wrong priorities, bankrupts our country, and destroys our environment. It should be soundly and overwhelmingly rejected.


For more information on Senator Boxer's record and other information, please go to:

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Welcome to Freedom House

Welcome to Freedom House
World Press Freedom Day was may 3rd. This link will take you to a press release outlining the 2005 global survey of media independence. Note that the U.S. took a bit of a dive.



Check out news items from May 10th since 1950 (or enter your own birthday)!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

What are people in your town buying from Amazon?

Here's an "interesting" way to decide what to buy - whatever your neighbor buys...
Amazon now has something called "purchase circles". You can look up top-selling books, music, and dvds by location, university, company, and other categories.
Message to Rome, NY: you can do much better than Clay Aiken!!!
Perhaps it would be better if you followed the lead of other towns... say, San Diego.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Approaching Grand Canyon from Helicopter 2005 Posted by Hello

Desert Gas Station 2005 Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Grey Sweatsuit Revolution

The Grey Sweatsuit Revolution - A "revolution" for the fashionably challenged.
"Oh shit! How will I be cool? Maybe I’ll have to participate in something…" - GSS Mission Statement.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Official Site of Raymond Loewy

The Official Site of Raymond Loewy
"Father of Industrial Design" - talk about an impressive resume - have a look around the site.
He has a birdcage pattern on ceramics that I saw in a Palm Spring's vintage store and love - kind of strange since most his designs are quite industrial - the ceramics were fab midcentury design and colors. THE Sports Simulation Site! THE Sports Simulation Site!
Kevin, Jim, Ashley, and Fran - try the sim matchup. 2004 Yanks beat 2003 yanks at home 20 to 3.

Friday, March 18, 2005

TV-B-Gone From Cornfield Electronics

TV-B-Gone From Cornfield Electronics

My vote for the best product of the year!
Now I just have to convince myself to shell out 15 bucks plus shipping.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Questions & Answers: Jesus H Christ

Questions & Answers: Jesus H Christ

It seems an impossible task to come up with an authoratative answer to the question "what does the H. stand for in Jesus H. Christ", but Michael Quinon of World Wide Words seems to have enough credentials going for him for me to accept his version.
The whole site is pretty interesting if you are intrigued by words, phrases, slang, etc.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Clusty the Clustering Engine

Clusty the Clustering Engine
Clusty the Clown? Weird name - pretty handy interface. The key is to use the drop down menu on the left side of the results page - see your results clustered by site type (.com, .net, .org, etc.), by topic, by search engine, etc. Also, the shopping clustering (engine powered by Bizrate). I also dig the "preview" button - it is the magnifying glass icon next to each result.

MSN Search - try local search!

MSN Search
The new MSN search does a great job with "local" searching. Unlike most google and other search engines, it doesn't return phone book listings but actually finds sites that are produced in your geographical location. It guesses were you are located based on your ISP (internet service provider) and then looks for sites that are also hosted in that area. I did searches for "meditation" and for a local charter school and got great results. If it guesses your location incorrectly you can adjust it. I highly recommend giving it a try.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Pee-wee Lisoooski Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Recommended browsing: New York Times Photo Archive

Browse the NY Times photo archive for beautiful historic and contemporary shots of NYC.

Friday, February 11, 2005

University of Nebraska Press - NINE

University of Nebraska Press - NINE
I decided to follow up my last post with a little explanantion as to why i would think "gee, I wonder what is at"? I'm really not THAT strange - close, though, yes.
Actually, it was the "discovery" of this great journal called Nine. It is all about the social and cultural implications of baseball. Unfortunately, I can't offer any links to articles because they are only available in subscription databases.

How "cool" would you be if you owned ? I use "cool" in the relative to total geekdom sense, of course! Well, I did a quick hunt for websites based on 1-10 and found out that it can't be done. One character domain names are not allowed. Three is the minimum now, although at one point it was two. and got lucky :) There isn't a however - now that would be a pretty cool one to have.
Here's an activity for the truly bored: what lives on site like (it is taken but not developed), (it's a couples site of some sort), (it is a really vague design/marketing organization), ... (i'll leave the rest to you).
Hell, it's friday!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Google Maps

Google Maps

I'm not so impressed with Google Maps - yet. It seemed slow to load the images, though the images are nice looking. However, Mapquest was quicker and seemed more detailed. However, they both use Navteq digital mapping company so it is sort of a toss-up. Just don't see any reason yet to quit using Mapquest.

Google Suggest

Google Suggest (Beta)

Today I tested out 2 new search tools in Google Labs. Google Suggest seems useful and particularly helpful to novice searchers. Basically, as you start to type your search terms, it shows you the number of hits for a variety of ways you could potentially "complete" the phrase.

If you haven't browsed Google Labs it is worth a visit. Many of the groovy Google Tools grew out of this lab, such as Google Scholar.

CNET Free Courses

CNET offers lots of free online courses on web design, XP maintenance, programming, etc. I have sampled a few and found them to be very well organized and informative.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Museum of bad album covers: the worst album covers ever! the top ten #2.

Museum of bad album covers: the worst album covers ever! the top ten #2.

Millie Jackson what were you thinking?!? (and who the hell are you?)

Deion Sanders' Hot Dog Express

The things you can sell when you are a famous athlete!!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Rocking the Cradle of Jazz

A fabulous story about the women musicians in the early years of the New Orlean's jazz scene. By Sherrie Tucker in Ms. Magazine (Winter 2004/2005, p. 68)

Documentaries on TV this month

The International Documentary Association lists upcoming broadcast premieres under its Resources section.

A&E BIOGRAPHY: Taco Bell looks at the life of Glen Bell, the man who started his business with a lone hot dog stand and went on to build an empire that now has more than 7,000 restaurants and annual sales of nearly $5.5 billion. Prods.: ABC News Productions and A&E Network. Friday, February 25, 2005

Discovery Times AMERICAN PULSE: Homeless In Paradise. With nearly 300 days of sunshine every year and sandy beaches stretching for miles, Santa Monica, California is indeed a paradise. However, Santa Monica is also known as the “home to the homeless,” with more homeless people arriving every day. Sunday, February 20, 2005

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

WatchThatPage - Monitor web pages extract new information

WatchThatPage - Monitor web pages extract new information
This is one of the most useful little tools out there. It will email you whenever a page you want to track has changed or added anything - and it emails you the actual changes.

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Shaun of the Dead (2004)
A romatic comedy - yes it is - strange? - definately! Another point for those kooky Brits. I'm adding this to my collection - that doesn't happen often.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Shoes By Color: top brand shoes grouped by color and style!

Shoes By Color: top brand shoes grouped by color and style!

I've got to find those dark green Puma's I want!!! I didn't but this site is kind of handy - admit it!
:) ParadeCAM ParadeCAM

How much do I miss New Orleans? Enough to sit at my computer and watch the parades march by. Check the parade schedule for activity - look for the ones that are "Uptown". Sun. evening (Feb. 6th) and Monday evening (Feb. 7th) are the "big" ones!

Su and I freezing in Rockefeller Center. Photo by Donnie and his new camera phone. Posted by Hello