Tuesday, April 26, 2005

What are people in your town buying from Amazon?

Here's an "interesting" way to decide what to buy - whatever your neighbor buys...
Amazon now has something called "purchase circles". You can look up top-selling books, music, and dvds by location, university, company, and other categories.
Message to Rome, NY: you can do much better than Clay Aiken!!!
Perhaps it would be better if you followed the lead of other towns... say, San Diego.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Approaching Grand Canyon from Helicopter 2005 Posted by Hello

Desert Gas Station 2005 Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Grey Sweatsuit Revolution

The Grey Sweatsuit Revolution - A "revolution" for the fashionably challenged.
"Oh shit! How will I be cool? Maybe I’ll have to participate in something…" - GSS Mission Statement.