Monday, July 30, 2007

Da Woody Photos from Beer Can Race 9

We really got some attention this past week from the photographer: (note the red protest flag :) ) (human whisker pole caught!) (a good shot of the crew from astern) (more human whisker pole!) (just below this shot is Arne in the water kicking) ;)

Stop the paparazzi!

Jellyfish conquerors!
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I like eating sand. You got a problem with that?

The golden sand of Coronado beach (and O's golden brown hand)

Kelp and "shadow monster"

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Beer Cans - Race 9 - 6th place! woo-hoo!

Beer Can Series Race 9

Yup, 6th out of 9. For those of you that are as challenged at math as I am allow me to point out that means we beat 3 boats! :) This is our best finishing place yet but ironically one of our worst deltas - time behind first place corrected for handicaps. 21 minutes behind, yikes. (we are often 15 minutes and we are trying to best our 8 minute record). Our worst was the night of the "did not finish". I have to say that with only 2 knots of wind on almost all of the downwind leg, 21 minutes is darn "okay". It was a very very slow moving race but it was hot and sunny and Kim and Jesal supplied some good old greasy KFC to keep us going. Arne was a most helpful co-captain as always and we were joined last night by his father-in-law Reinhardt. The exciting bit of the race came on the first upwind leg as we did a bit of battle with another boat in our fleet. "Inspiration" had us twice to starboard and we gracefully and skillfully fell off behind them and regained our ground without losing but inches. Our third meeting had us on starboard but old Inspiration showed no such skill attempting to tack directly in our path at the last second, stalling out in front of us, and causing us to tack to avoid collision. We quickly dug for anything red, found my dive flag, and hoisted a protest flag. We ended up beating them in the end and so did not lodge the protest, at it would not have helped our standing in that race. Anyway, I think in this series, the proper course of action for a protest is to pelt the offending craft with beer cans but we were rather short on those last night. :)

One more glorious race left! For those of you that were supposedly doing wind dances last night... you need to boogey a little harder! (Becca!)

Here is the link to the results table:

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Get Grandpa's FBI Files

Get Grandpa's FBI Files
Using the FOIA (freedom of information act) you can request an FBI file on any dead or living (with their permission) person. Fill in some information on this site and it generates some letters you can zip off to your local friendly FBI field office. :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Photo of boat in race 4

Photo by DaWoody

Beer Can Race 8 Video

Jorge trimming, Arne steering, Phil cleaning up some beer (i spilled), Becca checking the gauges, Santi on main sheet. Not sure why the video is so pixelated on youtube!?

How little girls make more little boys :)

Beer Cans - Race 8

beer cans 71807

A whopping defeat but a stylish crew.

Weekend in San Fran with Jo and Slo!

san fran with jo and slo

(click the photo to see more photos!)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fourth of July Photos

Fourth 'o July 2007

Being Patriotic on the 3rd - baseball!

JoMac and I getting tipsy from the altitude.

Darren, Jo, and I paying attention to the game (Becca as photographer).
View of the ballpark from rooftop bar.

I need a bigger swimming pool.

Jack and Evan aren't sharing!