Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Portland with the refugees

August 25-27th. Portland Hood to Coast. "Hitched" a ride with a perfectly fabulous "stranger" (Tets) to Seaside, Oregon to greet Kirsten and the rest of the New Orleans runners (the Where ya' at refugees) as they finished the Hood to Coast race. Had plenty of time to wait so sampled some $1 happy hour brew. Arrived back in Portland after midnight and spent most of the next 24 hours in the hot tub, eating, drinking... snuck in a little tour of the Japanese Gardens and the Rose Garden. On Monday morning I took quite an interesting Greyhound ride to Yakima, WA (as all bus rides in this great country qualify as "interesting") to spend the 2nd anniversary of Katrina with Tasha and the kids. I moved on from there to Yosemite for some camping and then to Reno to meet up with Theresa, Olivia, and Miles at Sharon's house. I have no photos past Portland, because as I took the last one in this series I turned the camera on myself to squeeze into the frame and lo and behold my camera gave up the ghost. Yes, I turned the lens on myself and my camera (only a few months old) actually froze, never to turn on again. yikes.

Portland with the Refugees

I missed Stevie Wonder...

But i hung out with the KJL (the brother that is Kevin James) in Hollywood. (august 23rd, 2007) The LaBrea tarpits are not to be overlooked (as you go for a pint in Molly Malones). The martinis at the Dresden are... well... martinis with swagger and class.

Hollyweird with KJL