Wednesday, June 30, 2004

CIAC Hoax Search

CIAC Hoax Search
Another good place to inform yourself of email hoaxes. - Stop Junk E-Mail and Misinformation - Stop Junk E-Mail and Misinformation

This is a good site to look up "urban legend" chain emails.

Monday, June 21, 2004

You can't beat an octopus in Fooseball.

Okay - this headline is a tad misleading. However, this story about an octopus having a preferred arm reminds me of my left-hand blunders in the game. Thanks to Chris for finding this story.

Octopuses have a preferred arm
Eight-limbed creatures have a favourite.
15 June 2004

From the 41st Animal Behavior Society meeting, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Octopuses have a preferred eye, which may dictates their favoured arm.
© Corbis

Most octopuses have a favourite arm, zoologists have discovered. This is the first time they have been found to show any bias when choosing which of their eight limbs is right for the job.

The creatures use their trusty first-choice appendage when exploring a new nook or cranny, says Ruth Byrne of the University of Vienna in Austria. She presented the discovery on Sunday at the annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society in Oaxaca, Mexico.

In terms of skill, octopus arms are created pretty much equal. "All eight arms are capable of the same tasks," Byrne told the meeting. "There's hardly any specialization."

This had prompted experts to suspect that the creatures simply use whichever arm is handiest. Indeed, one of their preferred hunting strategies is to jump on top of a rock and curl all of their arms underneath, grabbing whatever they find.

But when Byrne and her colleagues placed unfamiliar objects into an octopus's tank, or presented the animals with a T-shaped cavity to explore, each individual tended to favour one of its limbs when investigating.


Friday, June 11, 2004

When and why did Ray Charles become blind?

According to MSNBC: At age six, "to(presumably) glaucoma."

According to his own online autobiography, at age 5 he bagan to gradually lose his sight shortly after witnessing his brother's drowning. He was completely blind by age 7.

Ray Charles 1930-2004

Thursday, June 10, 2004

What triggers a baby's first breath?

The Merck Manual provides a technical overview of perinatal physiology, beginning with ventilation and lung function. The third paragraph of this section explains 2 natural means, mechanical and hormonal, which clear the fluids from the lungs (aveolar and interstitial) so that normal gas exchange can commence. Once a tiny bit of air hits the lungs, they are triggered to breath.

Suctioning the baby's mouth and nose is common and obviously helps clear the fluid and let you hear how well your kid will be able to scream at you for the next 6 months.

So why did doctors used to hold the baby by the ankles and slap the baby on the bottom?
And, no - by all indications of recent literature this is not normally done anymore. Holding them upside down might help drain fluid and smacking them gets them ready for what you will do every time they begin to sass back - just kidding of course. Really - A.D.A.M. does make mention of "spanking" the baby to get them to cry... which requires breathing. A.D.A.M. also mentions that, if necessary, breathing may be stimulated by holding the baby's feet higher than its head and slapping the bottom of its feet, as well as by rubbing their back. If you ever find yourself in a blockbuster feature end of the world type situation where you have to deliver a baby on mountain top... here are the instructions.

Hmmm... Baby Survivor???
p.s. - any of you scientists that would like to add to or correct my interpretation of the science please leave a comment! thanks.

Those Who Have Lain in State

Those Who Have Lain in State

Monday, June 07, 2004

Werther's Candies - where are they made?

The Dutch among us insists that delectable Werther's hard candies are made in his beloved home land. As you were all enjoying your buttery treats, I did some checking...

First, they are owned by the confection conglomerate called Stork ("Brands that capture your heart"). Hmmm... sure sounds and looks like anything but American. In addition to Werther's they own the brands Merci, Nimm2, Knoppers, Campino, and ... yes, .... Super Dickmann's. Nope, doesn't sound American.

Now, why would anyone have thought they were American in the first place? Misleading advertising. Remember those adds about the grandfather standing by the white picket fence sharing Werther's with the sweet little wholesome grandkid?

Well, to make a long story short (and sweet)...
You can read a silly little history, no doubt crafted by a slick marketing guru, called Candies From the Good Old Days. And those good old days were in

What did Elvis call his fried PB and banana sandwiches?

Just for all those who ever told me that i think i always know the answer - here I prove that i can admit defeat.

What did he call it? The fan sites don't say and most people I ask say "well, a fried PB and banana sandwich". Yep - exactly! Recipes are easy to come by ( but not the elusive (or non existent) moniker. Only one other person besides the one posing the question even believes that Elvis did have a special name for the sandwich.

If anyone knows more, please leave a comment.